Beyond the Moon and Stars

Dan Schutte - GP3 214)


Beyond the moon and stars, as deep as night,
so great our hunger, Lord, to see your light.
The sparrow finds her home beneath your wing.
So may we come to rest where angels sing.

Verse 1
Our eyes have longed to see your loving face, 
to live within your courts for all our days.

Verse 2
Your roads have led us, Lord, ’cross desert sand. 
We place our hopes and dreams within your hand.

Verse 3 
Upon our darkness, Lord, a light has shone. 
You chose to dwell with us in flesh and bone.

Verse 4
With shining star at night, and cloud by day, 
you brought us here to see your love’s display.

Verse 5 
When life’s great journey ends, and day is done, 
then may our eyes behold your Holy One.

© 1970, 2004, Daniel L. Schutte. Published by OCP. All rights reserved.
