Jerusalem, My Happy Home

GC 771 - Public Domain


Verse 1
Jerusalem, my happy home,
When shall I with you be?
When shall my sorrows have an end?
Your joys when shall I see?

Verse 2
Your saints are crowned with glory great;
They see God face to face;
They triumph still, they still rejoice:
In that most holy place.

Verse 3
There David stands with harp in hand
As master of the choir:
Ten thousand times that we were blest
That might this music hear.

Verse 4
Our Lady sings Magnificat
With tune surpassing sweet;
And all the virgins join the song
While sitting at her feet.

Verse 5
There Magdalene has left her tears,
And cheerfully does sing
With blessed saints, whose harmony
In ev'ry street does ring.

Verse 6
Jerusalem, Jerusalem,
God grant that I may see
Your endless joy, and of the same
Partaker ever be!

Text: Joseph Bromehead, 1747-1826, alt.
