Shepherd of My Heart

GC 641 - Francis Patrick O'Brien


Verse 1
My shepherd is the Lord, for nothing shall I want; 
green are the pastures where I'm led to repose. 
Near waters still and deep God will refresh my soul. 
I am led onward in ways true to the Name. 

Guide me, O shepherd of my heart; 
lead me homeward through the dark, into everlasting, day. 
Show me the way of truth and light; keep me always in your sight. 
May my life never part from the shepherd of my heart.

Verse 2
If I should walk one day into the vale of darkness,
no evil shall I fear with God at my side. 
There with your crook and staff you give me strength and comfort;
you spread a banquet in the sight of my foes. 

Verse 3
You anoint my head with oil; my cup is overflowing; 
goodness and kindness crown the days of my life. 
Within the Lord's own house I dwell in peace for ever; 
within the house of God my soul is at rest. 

Text: Psalm 23; Francis Patrick O'Brien, b.1958, © 1992, GIA Publications, Inc.
